What Gearing and Chainring Setup for a Gravel Bike?
What gearing is best suited for your gravel bike? Which chainring setups are ideal for balancing road and trail riding? What gearing is recommended for beginners? Here’s everything you need to know. Gear Ratio of 1:1 For gravel biking, it’s recommended to select a...
How to Choose the Right Gearing for Your Road Bike?
What Chainring Sizes to Choose for Your Road Bike? Double Chainrings The traditional “classic” chainring sizes have long been 53/39. This setup is ideal for well-trained cyclists who ride regularly in groups or competitions. For most riders, however, these gear ratios...
What is FTP in cycling? How to Improve It?
La Puissance Seuil Fonctionnelle (FTP) est un indicateur clé dans le monde du cyclisme, utilisé par les cyclistes et les entraîneurs pour évaluer la performance, la forme physique et pour élaborer des plans d’entraînement sur mesure. Dans cet article, nous...
MTB Trail, All Mountain, and Enduro: What Are the Differences?
Outdoor sports and mountain adventures attract more and more enthusiasts each year, and mountain biking is one of the most exciting ways to enjoy these natural environments. Among the different disciplines, Trail MTB, All Mountain MTB, and Enduro MTB are particularly...